Numbers of patients and events (headcahe free at 2 hours) in experimental and control groups of 12 studies. It is in one-study-per-row format.
A data frame with following coloumns
- ID
trial ID
- d1
dose (mg) in the first arm (placebo)
- r1
number of events in the first arm (placebo)
- n1
number of patients in the first arm (placebo)
- d2
dose (mg) in the second arm
- r2
number of events in the second arm
- n2
number of patients in the second arm
- d3
dose (mg) in the third arm
- r3
number of events in the third arm
- n3
number of patients in the third arm
- d4
dose (mg) in the fourth arm
- r4
number of events in the fourth arm
- n4
number of patients in the fourth arm
- nd
number of treatment arms